Sunday 2 August 2009

Day 4: Renting Referrals...

neobux referralsI've decided that I'm gonna rent referrals off Neobux. Now there's no guarantee as to how active the referrals will be. However, I do have the option to recycle (swap the inactive referrals for new ones) if some aren't clickety clicking. There's an extra charge for recycling ($0.08 per swap, I think).

I'm allowed to buy referrals in packs of 3, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100 and I can only buy one pack every 7 days. There's a discount for my first 2 rentals (about 16.5% off per pack) which is good to know.

Now I have to decide what pack to buy. I've read that, for newbies, it's best to start with a pack of 3 - but I've also read somewhere that a pack of 10 is advisable. I'll make my decision tomorrow, but I don't plan on going any higher than 10 per pack for my initial 2 rentals.

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