I cashed out on Day 55 actually. My 3 remaining rented referrals expired on that same day and I cashed out very soon after. The idea of sticking around any longer really did not appeal to me. I'm somewhat of a human butterfly. I jump from one curiosity to the next. Once the curiosity and interest goes, I soon follow. It's part of who I am and it's served me well.
Over my 55 days with Neobux, I made a total of $6.76 ($2.915 was from my own clicks and $3.845 was from my own referrals).
My initial investment was $5.00 which I used to rent 16 referrals (and recycle).
With the $5.00 I put in and the $6.76 I made, I make that a profit of $1.76.
When I requested payment, Neobux took $0.13 for processing it, so I'm left with a profit of $1.63.
The payment landed in my Paypal account almost as soon as I requested it so that was way impressive.
What I would have done if I'd stayed with Neobux...
I would have re-invested the whole $6.76 and rinsed and repeated til I (hopefully) reached $90. At that point, I would have considered upgrading to golden membership.
I Came, I Saw, I Learned...
Nothing happens in vain. I'm sure I've picked up a couple of useful lessons along the way and I'm a slightly more enriched person for it. I didn't lose money, I made money (albeit a very small amount). I've also come across some good blogs/bloggers along the way too which is cool.
One more blog post coming up and I'm done.
Have a great weekend, people.
Darn, looks like you didn't make $7, lol!
Well at least you can say you walked away without missing a day of clicking. Although, if you were someone's referral, they're probably going to start wondering what happened to you ;).
Congrats on the cashout, and good luck in your future internet money making schemes!
Hey :-)
I'd had enough. Couldn't wait the $7 out.
Yeah, come to think of it, I was definitely a star rented referral. I've probably been 'recycled' by now though.
I really wish I could comment on your blog. I tried in both browsers but no luck. Probably something on my end, but can't figure out what. In any case, I'll be passing by your blog from time to time to see how you're doing.
take care...and good luck to you too.
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