Right, I've just joined Neobux. I initially had a lil problem with registration - when I pressed Submit, it seemed to take centuries to go through, then it came up with a proxy error (whatever the hell that means).
I wasn't sure anything had actually gone through 'til I checked my inbox - there was an email from Neobux giving me a unique code. I had to re-register 'cos I'd already closed the window that was sticking up a middle-fingered proxy error at me. Took less than a minute to fill in the registration form as it ain't that long at all. I then pasted in the unique code I was sent in the email and voila!, thine is nowst a Neobux babe.
Once I logged on, I went straight to the 'View Advertisements' page. There were 4 ads waiting for me to view (worth 1 cent each). Each one took about a minute to load, view and be credited. So, yeah, I made 4 cents in about 4 mins. Not much, but more importantly it was pretty painless. I sure as hell wouldn't have wanted to spend an unreasonable amount of time and energy for a measly 4 cents.
Neobux has forum so I'm gonna go take a look around and see what I can pick up.
(UPDATE: I've just viewed another 1-cent ad.)
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