I never really had the intention of staying with Neobux for more than 30 days. However, I've been toying with the idea of sticking around a bit longer. Several reasons:
- my rented referrals expire after the 30 days are up
- I have about $1.40 left in my rental balance
- It wasn't until I joined that I found out I couldn't get direct referrals 'til after 30 days of being a Neobux member. I feel that rule put me at somewhat of a disadvantage. Part of me is, therefore, curious to see how I can potentially do when the rule's lifted.
So, yeah, will think about it.
Hey once again!
You should definitely stay, especially since you're a writer. If you had the time to write some articles with hubpages/infobarrel/squidoo etc. then I'm sure you'd get a fair few hits and direct referrals. Besides, what else would you do with your rental balance, lol?
Oh, and from your last reply, sorry about the comment form. lol, I forgot to add the gadget. Thanks for the heads up (and trying to comment).
And I just noticed your sidebar with listed earnings daily (yeah I'm slow). Your referrals are amazing . I think the highest I ever got with just 3 rentals was 16 cents (including my own clicks). Good luck for what may be your last 9 days.
Hey :-)
Writing doesn't really come into it for me. Interest and curiosity does.
But, I hear you.
If I only had 3 referrals, then, yeah, I guess my daily earnings would be very impressive. However, I have 13 referrals. I bought my first 3 refs on Day 5/6, then a further 10 on Day 12.
16 cents with 3 refs incl your own clicks is really good! The most I got with my first 3 + my own clicks was 10.5 cents.
Will pass by your blog again to comment.
(p.s.: How've you been fairing on Neobux over the past week or so?)
take care...
Stay! NeoBux might start out slow, but it looks like it could snowball into being even better than work-online was when it started at 50 pence per!
Currently, for me, I've spent $25 for 50 rents (making a total of 56 rents) and making about a dollar a day from my referrals. Yes, I'm at the $2 cashout, but I'm holding it there until I am sure of the sustainability of the rents. Some of them need recycling sometimes.
After I get enough to recoup the $25, I'll cash that out so I have an even $0, and then I'll do another cashout when I feel like it, or when I need it, I guess.
'Ello shyguy,
Like I mentioned to Broke Affiliate, though my plan was to try Neobux for 30 days, if the interest is still there, I'll consider staying longer. I'm not bored...yet, but I don't see myself sticking with Neobux for more than a couple of months at the most. However, who knows?
take care...
lol That works.
The reason I'm SomethingSea on myLot is that when I first signed up as shyguy76767 nearly 2 years ago (or 1, or something like that -- a long time ago), I posted some pretty controversial stuff. Didn't really know what I was doing. Accordingly, my shyguy76767 was banned.
Aaaah, I sea (see what I did with 'sea' :-)
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