I cashed out on Day 55 actually. My 3 remaining rented referrals expired on that same day and I cashed out very soon after. The idea of sticking around any longer really did not appeal to me. I'm somewhat of a human butterfly. I jump from one curiosity to the next. Once the curiosity and interest goes, I soon follow. It's part of who I am and it's served me well.
Over my 55 days with Neobux, I made a total of $6.76 ($2.915 was from my own clicks and $3.845 was from my own referrals).
My initial investment was $5.00 which I used to rent 16 referrals (and recycle).
With the $5.00 I put in and the $6.76 I made, I make that a profit of $1.76.
When I requested payment, Neobux took $0.13 for processing it, so I'm left with a profit of $1.63.
The payment landed in my Paypal account almost as soon as I requested it so that was way impressive.
What I would have done if I'd stayed with Neobux...
I would have re-invested the whole $6.76 and rinsed and repeated til I (hopefully) reached $90. At that point, I would have considered upgrading to golden membership.
I Came, I Saw, I Learned...
Nothing happens in vain. I'm sure I've picked up a couple of useful lessons along the way and I'm a slightly more enriched person for it. I didn't lose money, I made money (albeit a very small amount). I've also come across some good blogs/bloggers along the way too which is cool.
One more blog post coming up and I'm done.
Have a great weekend, people.